Discontinuation of ThermoThin

May 7, 2020


Dear Valued Customer,

The global shortage of ECA compound has resulted in a significant disruption to the supply chain for the ThermoThin product line.  Alpha Wire worked closely with our suppliers to minimize the impact, but the primary source of the ECA compound has chosen to permanently cease production of this material.

This letter serves as your formal notification that all parts and colors in the ThermoThin product line have reached their End of Life. Effective immediately, we will no longer be accepting orders for these items and a detailed list of all effected part numbers can be found at the end of this letter. Outstanding orders will be reviewed and handled on an individual case basis. We do anticipate that many will need to be cancelled due to lack of supply.

We have been actively pursuing alternate solutions and currently have a similar non-UL recognized products available utilizing an alternative fluoropolymer insulation. We expect this product to be available for special order by the end of May. Please contact your Alpha Wire sales representative if you have any questions.



Julian Del Campo

Product Manager

Alpha Wire

[email protected]

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